miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Wed. 13th May That's English

Hi kids,

I hope you are all doing well and that you enjoyed last week’s virtual visit to London!

This week we are going to continue on the same theme of London. I want you to imagine you are going to visit London with a friend for 3 days during the summer when the weather is always great in the UK! I would like you to create an itinerary for the 3 days including the following:

When you are going to leave Madrid
Where you are going to stay during your time in London (The hotel or B&B)
The places you are going to visit in London
Where you are going to eat
What other interesting activities you plan on doing while you are there
When you are going to return to Madrid

Remember, this is an itinerary so you should set out your work day by day with times included. Don’t forget to include photos in your presentation as they help to stimulate the mind and imagine the experience you are going to have.

Bearing in mind you are going to have to do a good deal of research for this piece of work, I will allow you both this week and the following week to complete it. That means next week I won’t be assigning any That’s English work to you. So, the hand in date for this work is Friday 22th May. Also, I will allow you to work in pairs (no more than two per group) for this particular task.

I hope you enjoy the work and, as always, if you have any doubts or questions related to what you need to do, please don’t hesitate in contacting me. 

Take care and have a great week.


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