miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Wed. 29th April That's English - What to do in London

***Watch this video first!***


Hi kids,

I hope you are all doing well. This week we are going to take a trip to the capital of the England, London. You are going to watch a video that talks about things you can see and do in the capital. I hope you enjoy the activity.

Firstly, you should watch the video (link below) about what to see and do in London. You can slow the video down if yoo so wish.

Once you have seen the video, you have some question related to it below. Make sure you are logged into your Google account prior to answering the questions, otherwise your work will not be correctly registered.

If you have any doubts or problems, please don’t hesitate in contacting me.

Good luck and have a good day.

Take care.


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