miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

Wed. 22 April That's English - Benefits of the coronavirus

That’s English: Benefits of the coronavirus.

Hi kids,

This week we are going to continue with the same theme, the benefits of the coronavirus. Last week I wanted you to think about what those benefits were. I sent you the link to an article to give you some ideas. 

This week, I want you to think about what we can learn from this time spent in lockdown and how we can make changes in our lives moving forward which could have longer term benefits. In particular, I want you to think about work, transport and 21st century methods of communication. 

This outbreak could have inadvertently opened our eyes to a different way of life that could have huge future benefits for us and our planet. I want you to make a Google presentation and to structure your presentation as follows:

  1. List of general benefits of the coronavirus (Last week’s assignment)
  2. 2 or 3 examples of changes we can make to our lives moving forward. Explain what benefits the changes would make to us as individuals but also how the changes can have a positive effect on our planet.

Of course you can include images etc. to make your presentation stand out. You can work on your own or with a partner if you wish. Groups should be no bigger than two though.

You have until next Wednesday 29th April to hand in your presentations. Once completed, they should be shared with me in the usual way. I look forward to seeing them!

Have a nice week.


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