miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

25/03/2020 - English Speaking

Good morning kids!

This week, your assignment for our speaking zone is the following... You need to record a video of yourself talking about what you are doing at home to keep yourself busy and active. 

Your video should last for approximately 1 minute and be sure to use the correct tenses. Remember, If an activity is part of your routine, use the present simple. If it's something you did yesterday or last week as a one off, use the past simple. When talking about a plan or something you might do in the future, use the future tenses (will or going to). You've studied all these tenses in class so check your notebooks if you have any doubts.

When you have finished your video, send it to my email address (paul.dry@gaudem.es). The deadline for this assignment is Friday at 17:00.

Enjoy the rest of the week and I look forward to receiving your work.

Take care.


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