jueves, 27 de febrero de 2020

martes, 25 de febrero de 2020

Reading ZONE

Reading ZONE

Go to the link OXFORD OWL

Click on 

Enter the login and Password

alumnos.gaudem6   alumnos.gaudem6c

Select your age group:

  • (7-9) for elementary 
  • (9-11) for pre-intermediate level


En la zona de Matemáticas de esta semana, vais a practicar fracciones mediante juegos. 
¡Esperamos que esta forma de aprender os guste!


lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020



2 WEEKS: 24th February - 9th March

  • Pick a book from the classroom library. 
  • Roll the spinner to choose 5 letters here. Write down the letters you got. 
  • Copy and complete those 5 letters tasks from the list: 

A. Give the book marks out of ten.
B. Draw a picture of your favourite bit in the book. Colour it in.
C.Write down 3 new words you have learnt from this book.
D. Draw a picture of your favourite person in this book. Write his or her name down.
E. Make up a sentence about your favourite bit in the book. Why did you like this bit?
F. Copy out your favourite sentence from this book. Why do you like this sentence?
G. Make up three questions you could ask someone about this book to test whether they have read it carefully.
H. Draw a picture of your favourite part of the book. Write a sentence about what is happening in the picture. Why did you choose to draw this bit?
I. Write down three new words you have learnt from this book. Explain what they mean. (Check in your dictionary if you’re not sure.)
J. Draw a picture of your favourite charactein the book. Answer: Who is this person and what does he or she do in the story? Why do you like him or her best?
K. Draw a picture of one of the settings used in the book. Where is this place and what happens there?
L. Make up three quiz questions about the book. Don’t forget to give the answers!
M. Copy out three sentences or phrases you really liked in this book. Why did you like each of them?
N. Use a whole page to draw a poster advertising this book. Make sure you write on the poster why people should read it!
O. Find five interesting words from this book. Write down what each means. Then use each word in a sentence of your own.
P. Draw a picture of one of the characters in the book. Find and copy out 3 things the writer says about this person.
Q. Pretend you are one of the characters in the book. Who will you be? Write your diary for one day in the story.
R. Draw a large picture of one of the settings used in the story. Label everything in your picture. You could copy words and phrases from the book for this.
S. Which chapter do you think is the most important? Explain what happens in this chapter and why you think it’s important.
T. Write a note to your friend telling him or her a bit about this book. Explain why you think he or she ought to read it.
U. Draw a picture of an important part of the story. Explain why you think this part is important.
V. Do you think the writer of this book uses language in an interesting way? Find three examples, then copy them out and explain why you like them.
W. Make notes about the story under these headings:
* opening        * build-up         * climax                        * resolution
X. Make up a word search or crossword based on the book.
Y. Write about the main character in the story. Choose five words to describe his or her behaviour. Give an example for each one. e.g. Sally is foolish when she goes into the old mill by herself.


¡El finde largo está a la vuelta de la esquina!

Organizaos bien el tiempo para tener el finde para descansar y cargar pilas =)

¿Qué tenéis que hacer?

En Sociales tenemos que aprender este año sobre la Edad Contemporánea, así que este Plan Semanal os servirá de calentamiento.

Tenéis que leer despacio y subrayar (a lápiz) todos los apuntes. Además tenéis que hacer esquemas de los puntos 1,2,3 y 4. Haced un primer borrador, y una vez que hayáis visto el espacio aproximado que os va a ocupar, pasadlos a limpio. Cada punto en una cara de la hoja.

Hacedlos muy bien y os servirán para estudiar. El tema es largo y los apuntes pueden ser vuestro mejor aliado. ¡A por ello!

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2020

Writing ZONE

Writing Zone

Follow the steps on this link to write

Instructions: An easy recipe

Use the dictionary to help you with vocabulary of ingredients
and use the vocabulary from the worksheet of KITCHEN VERBS
to give instructions for your recipe.

First, write a draft on your sheet of paper, then type in your text on the website and send it to be checked online.

Health and Illness

Health & Illness

What's wrong with you? (Treatments) 

Story HERE

Keep healthy game

What's the matter game

Microorganisms game

Health game

ICT Zone - English

ICT Zone - English

Here you have a set of games and activities to practice some vocabulary and grammar.

1. Hangman 2. Hangman with Occupations3. Reading Comprehension: Fast Food
4. Jobs game
5. Future going to game
6. Fast phrases with going to
7. Vocabulary: food

When you finish playing each game, insert a comment with your results, please. (e.g.: 11/02/20 Jose: 4) 100%)

Nutrition Facts Labels

How to Read Nutrition Facts Labels

lunes, 10 de febrero de 2020


¡Hola equipazo!

El Plan Semanal de esta semana es de Lengua. Llevamos un par de semanas aprendiendo cómo escribir un diario. Es momento de que hagamos uno de verdad, que cuente nuestra realidad. Debemos escribirlo a mano, hazlo en formato original =)

¿Cómo hay que hacerlo?

1º- Repasa los apuntes del diario para saber hacerlo fenomenal, no olvides que el diario es un medio para transmitir emociones y sentimientos.

2º- Es importante respetar la estructura y que cada día que escribáis tenga como mínimo 3 párrafos de 5 o 6 frases cada uno. Elige los momentos más significativos para ti de estos días.

3º- Revisa las faltas de ortografía.

4º- Tienes que escribir sobre 4 días de esta semana.


domingo, 9 de febrero de 2020




2 glasses25ml of honey100 ml of warm water1 teaspoon of sugar1 teaspoon of flour
1 Google presentation with all your findings


 To observe how fast different energy forms are dissolved.


Sugar particles are smaller than carbohydrate particles.

Copy and answer these questions in your presentation before you start:

a) Which substance will dissolve into the blood more quickly?

b) Which do you think gives us energy more quickly, sugary foods or carbohydrates?


1. Mix the honey and warm water together. This mixture represents our blood.
2. Put 100 ml of the mixture into each glass.
3. Gently sprinkle the sugar into one glass and the flour into the other glass with the water and honey mixture.
4. Carefully observe both glasses. Which substance dissolves first?


a) What type of food is absorbed more quickly, sugary foods or carbohydrates?
Answer: Sugary foods / carbohydrates are absorbed more quickly into the blood.

b) Which food is best if we need energy quickly? Which is best if we need energy for a longer period of time? Why?
Answer: The best food for quick energy / energy over a long period of time is...

Take pictures of your experiment and share them in your presentation, explaining the steps of a scientific process.

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2020

Weekly plan 3rd February

Weekly plan 3rd February

Defining Relative Clauses

1) Join the sentences writing a new defining relative clause, using which, who, that.
  1.  It's a story about a boy. He found some treasure.
  2. I bought a new car. It is very fast.
  3. I sent a letter. It arrived three weeks later.
  4. A man phoned. He is my brother.
  5. We went to a village. Lucy recommended this village.
  6. This is the purse ..... I am looking for. 

2) Choose the correct relative pronoun: what / that / whose / where / when

  1. Could you tell me the name of the boy .... is sitting opposite us? 
  2. I don't know the phone number ..... is used in case of emergencies.
  3. Do you know the girl ... started in grade 7 last week?
  4. Can I have the pencil ... I gave you this morning?
  5. A notebook is a computer ... can be carried around.
  6. I won't eat in a restaurant ... cooks smoke.
  7. I want to live in a place where there is lots to do.
  8. Yesterday was a day ... everything went wrong!
  9. My friend's visiting a castle ... is near London.
  10. The history teacher showed the class a DVD ... was very interesting.

1. Join the sentence halves with where, who and which. Please, copy the sentences.

1. I know a man .... a. you got yesterday? 
2. Do you know the city ....         b. I often play online with. 
3. Can we watch the DVD ... c. runs in F1 car races. 
4. Is there a shop in town ... d. I can buy a smart watch? 
5. These are the friends ... e. is in the new film I saw. 
6. There’s a boy in my class ... f. I really enjoy. 
7. Skiing is something ... g. passed all her exams. 
8. That’s the actor ...         h. Dani lives?